Sam Babad has an MBA from the Tel-Aviv university and an B.Sc in EE from the Technion. Sam has been working in the middleware field for over 15 years and have experience implementing and managing a variety of tolls ranging across tires, vendors and generations. Since 2008 Sam is involved in BigData and performance boosting solutions. Sam is currently the CEO of MidLink a company focused on providing innovation software infra-structure solutions for high performance orient applications. In the past Sam severed as Kyozou’s CEO. A Toronto based online selling platform and has worked at amdocs
הרצאות מפי סם באבד:
מפגש מפגש פורום Ibi, שני, 27 באפריל 2015, 10:30
דוברים נוספים באירוע Iot 2015
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